Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I'm wondering if this famous little song and film will bring folks to Temagami, or not. But it will make you laugh for sure!  Let me know what you think.  

For your information, blackflies are a lot like people.  When they (the females only) gorge on a blood meal, they are very full and fat, and can only waddle away to hide under a leaf. Then they take a very, very, very, long siesta, digesting the blood into their reproductive energies. 

 At May's end, yes, the little black flies are coming, to the culinary delight of birds and dragonflies. So no worries for humans. 


Suzi Parron said...

Hi there,

I have just completed a book about the quilt trails across America. I have a blog that talks about my travels and quilt trail events,

I posted yesterday that the first Canadian trail (In Wardsville, Ontario) was starting. I got a message stating that someone had heard of a trail somewhere in Northern Ontario, but she was not quite sure where.

After a whole lot of Googling, I found you!

I am so excited about your project and would love the chance to find out more.

Would you please drop me an email?

I look forward to finding out about your hidden gem! I found so many in the US by word of mouth but never dreamed that there was one so far north! Can't wait to hear more.

Best regards,

Suzi Parroon

Caryn Colman said...

Hi Suzi, It is absolutely true that there is a quilt trail here in Temiskaming, northeastern Ontario. You can drive just about anywhere in the farmland and see these beautiful painted quilt replicas (8 x 8') adorning old barns. As you know, every quilt has a story, which intrigues. But for me it is the sheer visual beauty that appeals to my senses first. The quilt project was part of the International Plowing Match held in our region September 2009. The painted quilts are a legacy. I'd love to tell you more....